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A Rendezvous of Masters Xiaodong Wei

At 7 pm on August 20, the American World Music Academy at Henderson House will welcome an important guest: the famous erhu player Wei Xiaodong. She is not only an inheritor of Chinese national music, but also a pioneer of cross-border music.

Xiaodong Wei

Xiao Dong Wei began studying the Erhu at the age of 5 with her father, and was accepted by the prestigious Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing at age 11. Ten years later, she earned her degree and is considered a “Master” of the erhu. Xiao Dong has received numerous awards based upon her performances and overall talent.

Xiao Dong has been invited to perform in music festivals in Europe and have been featured on National Public Radio (NPR) and her music have been can be heard across The United States , Australia and Europe .Xiao Dong continued to expand her classical career by performing, by invitation, she have been a guest soloist of orchestras includes Detroit Symphony Orchestra ,Southern Great Lake Symphony Orchestra etc. Xiao Dong also her own band that plays pop/rock music where she plays Chinese instruments and sings both Chinese and English.

In 2012, the Kresge Arts Foundation of Detroit awarded Xiao Dong with the laurels of the Kresge Artist vision.

Xiao Dong have been teaching Chinese music Ensemble at the University of Michigan Residential College for the past decade.

in her spare time, Xiao Dong loves cooking, practice yoga and Chinese sword.

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